Practical information

How to come

Access to Lake Baudreix and the Ô Kiri nautical base

by car

GPS coordinates Latitude 43.203685 – Longitude -0.2606004

It is reached from Bordeaux, Bayonne by highway:
Paul’s departure. Take the Tarbes-Lourdes ring road, then head towards Nay via the Baudreix ring road exit.

Coming from Toulouse Tarbes on the highway:
Exit Soumoulou. Direction Pau on the right, at Artigueloutan turn left towards Assat (D.215), then Bordes, Boeil Bezing, Baudreix.
It is reached from Lourdes by the National highway:
Take direction Pau via Lestelle Bétharam, St Pé de Bigorre, (D.937) Lestelle Bétharam, direction Coarraze on this level, take Nay la gare, and at the second roundabout take Baudreix.
by train

Pau train station – 20 km
Coarraze Station – 5km

By plane

Pau Pyrenees International Airport – 30km
Tarbes Lourdes Pyrenees Airport – 25 km

Other information: see French pages…